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Month: December 2011

What a Minute Means to Me: Bernice Gilmore, Housekeeper

“A minute to me is when you see the patient come in, get better and go home, and it makes the family happy. That’s a minute to me.” – Bernice

What a Minute Means to Me: Patricia Diaz, RN

“A minute to me, means giving my surgical patient the dignity of using a bed pan as opposed to using a mat on the bed because I can’t get to

What a Minute Means to Me: Leora Stirrat, Unit Secretary

“A minute can mean the difference between life and death in a cardiac unit. In a stroke unit, it can mean the difference between a brain and brain damage. A

What a Minute Means to Me: Doreen Holm, CNA

“A minute to me is priceless. A minute to me is listening to the sound of the alarms when a resident gets up to prevent them from falling. A minute
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